Below are answers to our most commonly asked questions. Please read through these answers first and if you still have questions feel free to contact us using the contact form on the homepage.
1. Do you offer trial memberships?
Urban Playground is a uniquely managed club, offering a non-staffed club setting. Members gain access via a key code when they join online. As such we do not offer a trial or day pass option, however all our membership have a 3 day trial built into them during which time you can ask for a 100% refund if you’re not satisfied with the club. The 3 day trial starts on the date you join the club. We have uploaded a virtual tour of the club on our homepage. A virtual tour can be accessed at: https://seattleurbanplayground.com/
Our club offers:
· Access hours of 5am-10pm (Mon-Sunday) including all major holidays
· Towel service while using the club
· No initiation fees
· No long-term contracts with complex cancellation requirements
· Clean, secure facility with top of the line cardio and strength training equipment.
· Personal training by independent contractors. If interested in personal training, please email us at seattleurbanplayground@gmail.com
*(see question #4 about guest/family members visiting) *
2. How do I sign up for a membership and how do I get access to the club?
Sign up for membership by visiting www.seattleurbanplayground.com/membership. Please chose choose a membership category, create a new member profile, review and check the online waiver, and then submit payment via a secure site (MindBody). Once payment is processed, you will receive an email (usually in 15 min or less) with your individual, secure access code. This code may be used 7 days a week from 5 am to 10 pm to access the club as long as your membership is in good standing.
3. My spouse and I joined as a couple’s membership; do we use one code to access the club?
No, all couples membership will be assigned 2 separate codes. Once one partner has completed enrollment and payment as been processed, our additional member will need to create a profile, review and check the online waiver box. Once completed, our 2nd member will be issued their unique access code.
4. Does your club have shower and locker room facilities?
As a local neighborhood club, we do not offer shower/locker facilities. Most members live within a short distance from Urban Playground; as such a shower/locker facility was not a priority feature we wanted to deliver to our members. We offer two large uni-sex bathrooms to utilize for changing and we provide FREE workout towels for all of our members while exercising.
5. Can a visiting family member or friend access the gym?
For safety of our members and liability issues, anyone who is not a member is not allowed to access the club for any reason. Guests visiting a current member can purchase a one-week pass (Sorry but we do not offer daily fee visits) on our website. Once your guest has created a profile and has checked the waiver box (cost is $45 plus tax for the week pass) we will issue the guest their own access code via email.
6. Can I share my code with a friend or family member who wants to try the club?
Note that any code sharing is strictly prohibited and will result in immediate cancellation of memberships of all parties involved. (see question number 5 about a guest wanting to use the club)
7. How is my membership charged?
All memberships are set up on a recurring basis, which means each membership will renew on the anniversary of the original purchase date. For example, if a single adult monthly membership is purchased on 1/1/19, it will be renewed on 2/1/19. Same applies to the 6 month and 12-month memberships
8. How do I cancel a membership?
At Urban Playground we are focused on a stress free environment for our members. As such, to cancel a membership, we ask you to notify us via an email 2-3 days before your next recurring charge is applied. For example, if your current membership expires on the 20th, we ask to be notified by the 17th so we can process your request before the next charge is applied.
It is that easy